23 Lessons in 23 years

Well friends, I've made it another go around the sun! Welcoming 23. Ah, 23. If you asked me 5 years ago where I thought I'd be today I would have had a different answer. But I am so happy as to where I am now. I am surrounded by people I love daily, I am... Continue Reading →

Saying Farewell to the Mountains….For Now

A friend, Hubby, and myself hiked up our favorite mountain in Shenandoah, Old Rag. The 9 mile hike we have probably done about 4 times now. The view at the top, the rock scrambling, the anticipation of the long climb makes this hike worth it. We really took in our surroundings and appreciated this climb... Continue Reading →


We get this one life to live. Some days I feel like I am on top of the world and some days I feel like am just surviving. Not living, just existing. Going through the motions. As if I am taking each breath, each day for granted. Don't just exist, live. But why? We get... Continue Reading →

Friday Favorites // 3.8.19

Hello Friends! And Happy Friday! Can you believe we are almost to daylight savings time! I am ready for the extra hour of sunlight and hopefully that means warmer weather will be coming soon because I cannot handle these 20 degree mornings! But enough about the weather, let's get into this week's favorites! If I... Continue Reading →

Deload Week

Do you ever feel like you are not seeing progress with your numbers in the gym? Or you feel like you hit a wall, are in a mental rut, and are having trouble making it to the gym? It might be time for a deload week. Deload week was not a part of my programming... Continue Reading →

Little Victories in the Gym

Persistence and dedication are key. Two weeks ago coach programmed squats at 195 lbs. As of four months ago 185 lbs was my 1RM. So going for 195 for two sets of four was a bit intimidating. We went for it and it didn't happen. If you remember my post on mental blocks while training,... Continue Reading →

Friday Favorites // 2.15.19

How was everyone's Valentine's Day? Or are you just looking forward to today where chocolate is 50% off? Whichever side you are, it is Friday so that is something to celebrate! Let's get to this week's favorites, shall we? What Men Want Had a girl's night where 7 of us went to go see What Men... Continue Reading →

Happy Valentine’s Day

I love Valentine's Day. But of course right? I am a hopeless romantic. I love celebrating love. I love my marriage. So, loving this holiday is nothing new. And I am just a tad bit sad Hubbs is out of town for this holiday. But anyways... We are the cheesiest couple, I know eye roll.... Continue Reading →

Creating a Strong Marriage

I am a daughter. A sister. A friend. A fur mama. A weightlifter. A Floridian. I have many titles. But one of my favorites has to be a wife. Marriage is: two people who get to become one, for better or for worse, to push and motivate. To support and catch when they fall. To... Continue Reading →

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