Farewell 2016


  We are two days away from the new year so I thought I would reflect on the past year.

As with any year or period of time friends will come and go. I have lost friends this year but got even closer to others. Which I am pretty proud of because I have been feeling pretty alone. In the past month alone I have had multiple days of binge watching New Girl with a friend, many dinner outings with other couples, and a girl’s craft night. And today we are back at my favorite coffee shop with my friend writing and laughing away.


We were very active this year. We had multiple camping and hiking trips in the Shenandoah Mountains and some closer to home. We did (my first ever) Tough Mudder!

photo-jun-11-4-33-48-pm photo-nov-11-10-25-34-am

(left) tough mudder      (right) Shenandoah National Park

I joined the twenty-somethings club.

I earned my Associates degree (and will be continuing to my bachelors in the new year).

I started my blog in this little corner of the internet. I love to write and have loved connecting with so many others. Thank you to those who have joined me along my journey or have just stopped by.

A productive year I would have to say. But there is still a lot left unsaid on what to expect for the new year. A new adventure awaits that is one thing for sure.

Farewell 2016.

What is your fondest memory of this past year? Post in the comments!


2 thoughts on “Farewell 2016

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    1. How can you not laugh while watching that show! I’m glad you enjoy it to. This show is always our compromiser because no one can say no to it haha.

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